Wednesday, July 15, 2009

And So I Return....

These past few weeks have been a JOKE. I am honestly wondering why we didn't decide to elope!
The invitations finally went out....whew.... (and I am not gonna lie and say that I didn't have a minor heart attack as they slid into the mailbox)
I knew the wedding could be called off if we hadn't mailed the invites, but now it would just sound stupid.
I have thought in the past that getting married was a bad idea and lately I have been thinking the same.
I don't think I feel this way because of my relationship with K...because for the first time in years I am genuinely happy! ...however, my libido is wanting other men. Is this normal?
Sometimes I wake up from dreaming of my boss, friends, random men...and get disappointed when I roll over and touch K instead of the man or men I was dreaming about.
My boss has been in my dreams on more than one occasion.
You all know that I have a minor thing for him ha ha...
Usually in my dreams we are just out with people from work having a few cocktails until he and I are the only ones that remain. Then he professes his love for me and we have a wet make out sesh....nothing below the belt at this point but stay tuned.

I can't help but think that this is just "my version" of cold feet. I've always been a sexual person and I think the impending marriage has me paranoid that I'll never have another dick again. * Pardon the vulgarity*

Whatever....aside from the fact that my brain below the waist doesn't want to get married...everything is going as scheduled.
The Princess' wedding is next
I have nothing to wear. I have been scouring websites trying to find something that resembles formal but doesn't make me look like I am trying too hard.
Feel free to make suggestions.

I have another hair and makeup trial that day. I'm not sure how I felt about the first updo, it was kinda 90's prom style...and I'm more vintage style.
The makeup was horrible, i didn't look like myself at all....i am going to a swankier place next week so hopefully these ladies wont look like drag queens.

All there is to do right now is wait for the response cards to come back and pray that about 20 or so people can't make it!~
Our final guest list was 185 and the reception venue only holds 160...whoops!

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